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What is a School Committee?

Every state school in Tasmania has a School Association. 

The School Association Committee (the committee) is an elected group that represents each arm of the School Association. The committee works together for the benefit of the school and association. The committee is responsible for the business and administration of the School Association.


The School Association Constitution is a set of rules outlining how the School Association will operate. It is important that all members of the School Association are aware that the School Association has a Constitution.


Working Together Agreements

It is recommended that each Committee formulates a Code of Conduct or Ways of Working Together Agreement for members at the beginning of the year and that these are revisited during the year and at induction.

Advertising Vacancies

Looking to fill vacancies in your School Association Committee? Use this editable social media tile to help promote the position within your school community.

Committee Meetings

The purpose of the School Association Committee meetings is to manage the affairs of the School Association.

Committee Election

The Committee members are elected if the number of applications exceed vacancies. There is a process to follow for nominations and voting.

Principal Selection

The Education Act (Tas) 2016 establishes that one of the functions of the School Association is to participate in, and provide advice on, the selection of the person to be the principal of the school.

Holding Elections Checklist

This is a working checklist for holding elections.

Tick off the items as you complete them.

AGM Meetings

Annual General Meetings (AGMs) can be a little daunting, but they don’t need to be. Most School Associations are required to hold their AGM around March 31 each year.

AGM Planning

This is a resource aimed at helping you with planning your AGM with the Committee or others, including an AGM agenda.

Use this as a guide or talking point.

Holding an AGM Checklist

This is a working checklist for AGM planning and for use during an AGM.

Tick off the items as you complete them.